Flying Star was invited to participated in the plush artists' exhibition
Luv-Able + Hug-able at
Gallery Hanahou in New York City.
Luv-able + Hug-able: made with love by 30+ artists and crafters from all over the world, these original soft toys will range from cooky critters to adorable anthropomorphic objects. Nab an armful of plushes at the December 4th opening party, or order from our online shop at galleryhanahou.com for your hug-able holiday gifts!
Participating Artists
Anna Chambers * Anna Hrachovec * Ayumi Sato - Junie Moon * Betz White * Blythe Church * Christina Gordon (Jamfancy) * Corinne Dean * Doinky Doodles * Eloole * Forest Creatures * girlsavage * Heide Murray * Heidi Kenney * Helle Jorgensen * Hello, Brute * IMAI SAYAKA * Katie Park (caffaknitted) * Kup Kup Land * Lexi Franks * Lizette Greco + Grecolaborativo * Lynda Lye * Nicole Gastonguay * The Ossu! Syugeibu * rei☆komurasaki * SPOOKS by Kobayashi Mayu * Weebco * Yuko Hara * Yuriko Sera * Ariana Marinelli * Coco Howard * Flying Star Toys by Florence Forrest * Hansigurumi * Jenny Harada * Made By Moxie * Robyn Fabsits * Aaron B of SOWA
Luv-able + Hug-able opens December 4th showing until January 7th 2009.

For this exhibition I've sent 4 of an as yet to be released toy called Home Away from Home. This picture above is a sneak peak for you :) Home Away from Home will be offically released early next year.