In their own words:
As the only museum dedicated to bringing the worst of art to the widest of audiences we felt morally compelled to explore new, more creative ways of bringing this priceless collection of quality bad art to a global audience. Another Boston-area cultural institution, Dedham Community Theater, generously allowed MOBA the use of their basement. Our permanent gallery is now conveniently located just outside the men’s room in a 1927 movie theater.

The first is from the Portraiture collection: Peter the Kitty by Mrs Jackson, the accompanying text reads, "Stirring in its portrayal of feline angst. Is Peter hungry or contemplating his place in a hungry world? The artist has evoked both hopelessness and glee with his irrational use of negative space."
The second picture is from the Landscape collection: Dog by an unknown artist reads, "A remarkable fusion of ski resort and wolf puppy -- stoical in his yellow-eyed silence, frozen beneath the ice-capped peak, Dog eloquently challenges the viewer to re-examine old concepts of landscape. " I recommend reading the additional information that accompany each piece as it often contains amusing anecdotes and sagas involving the work.

There is so much to love about the MOBA, whether it's the art, the descriptions, the amusing stories, the free newsletter and membership (I joined!), even the possibility of purchasing postcards of "Peter the Kitty" , if I was in Boston I would enjoy attending the exhibition openings of the MOBA. But failing that, whenever the stresses of confronting the hydra-headed Gorgon that is the art world, I think I'll head over to the MOBA online gallery, enjoy a laugh or two and a quiet smile of appreciation for that crazy muse I love so much.