Monday, February 04, 2008

An Award for Me?!

It was my birthday the other day and what a wonderful surprise when dear friend and brilliant contemporary jeweller Rebecca Ward (aka Rebecca the Wrecker) gave me the gift above.

It's an award she told me - The Windbag Award! Of course I was suitably impressed and thrilled to receive such a prestigious honour from my peers :)

The rock in the brooch is from Windbag Creek in New Zealand and as you can see from the sign they call it The Windbag for short....just like my blog nickname!

Rebecca reckons I rock (lol) but of course it is she who rocks :-D Thanks Bec!!

(*These photos are by The Wrecker herself)


Jean-Luc Picard said...

"The Windbag". A fine Award for you to have. Congrats!

Rebecca-the-Wrecker said...

We all love our Windbag- you totally deserve and award for being...yourself!

Sandra Monat said...

what a wonderful gift. Happy belated birthday wishes and all the best for your new year, dear Florence!