Thursday, July 13, 2006

Artists V Geeks - day 4 Geek Week

Artists and Geeks have a lot in common, they can both illuminate the mind and society by bringing to it new revelations, insights and discoveries. They can mess with you head and change the world almost without anyone really understanding how it happened. Creativity is at the heart of both.

I just hope that artists and the art world could just take themselves a little less seriously.

Here is a site that my new friend and "Supreme Nerd God", Merlyn Gabriel, has recently posted on her blog Re-Cycled Crows, It's called One Red Paperclip, this guy, Kyle MacDonald, traded his way up from a paperclip to a house in the most amazing way!! We could all learn from Kyle.

ps Merlyn G. also writes a Star Wars story blog called Daughters of the Empire;)


merlyn said...

if you want to watch the news cast aboutthe paperclip go here
then go to the CTV with Lloyd Robertson box and click on that, I think it's the third section they play.

It's a really cool story.... especially the bit about Alice Cooper and Corbin bernson and the snow globes...

Yeah... ever since the renaissance artists have thought themselves a bit airy fairy..( and I am one so I aughta know)
Art is just well... art...
Snobbery should be banned.

Star wars on the other just FUN!


Florence Forrest said...

Merly, that was a great tip, I'm sure you know heaps of other cool things for us to discover.

I couldn't resist putting up that pict of Al with his sticking his tongue out, says it all really:)

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Seeing that picture of Albert Einstein reminds me of the story when he & Marilyn Monroe were together. He said we could have a chlid with his brains and your beauty. Marilyn replied "What if the child was with your beauty and my brains?"

merlyn said...

Oh Captain, you are so funny!!*giggle*

A.E. said ... "Imagination is more important than Knowledge."
he was definately a r0xxrz kinda guy, he'd be so l337...

It occurs to me that leet speak is very akin to borg... scary.

It would appear my brain is fried... gonna go watch LOST now...

Liana Kabel said...

Trading one red paperclip for a house in one year is amazing and all it took was one person's creativity and belief in themself and their idea.

I feel inspired. Thank you.

Florence Forrest said...

Jeun-Luc, Marilyn played dumb but was quite brainy. Al looked just the way he was, though he was quite striking in his way. The outcome might not have been all bad, I'm sure Al wouldn't have minded trying:P

Merly, your teaching me new things all the time, you r0xxrz! get some sleep, Girlfriend!! Fried brain tastes better for breakfast:P ps I watch LOST too, but blogging has been eating into my usually schedualed programs.

Lani, thank Merly she's the One Who Knows! I loved One Red Paperclip too. Could be a good lesson for "Make your Market"

merlyn said...

See this is what I love about the internet. All these things which would never have happened without it ( red paperclips, massive audiences, friends from around the world that one never meets for real but shares much with, news from ALL over the world, we learn about ourselves and discover that this world is not so vast, or isolated....

it gives me some hope that maybe we could stop fighting and be pals???

Flo, I had to learn l337 sp34k because when you game and are on the forums it's a matter of survival..if you don't at least learn to translate you spend your time making WTF faces ...I loo´ked it upon Wikipedia...another reason I love the internet!!!!

Florence Forrest said...

I looked it up too. Then I was watching the latest Ask A Ninja called Thr33 and he used 1337 too, and so I knew what he meant:D